• The contact form is automatically linked to the email you used to sign up with Showit. However, if you prefer to use a third-party email opt-in form for subscription purposes, you can do so. In that case, it's advisable to hide the default 'Subscribe' canvas on the left side of the page.
  • Understanding Views: Be sure to grasp the concept of views. If you choose to customize the confirmation message on View 2 of the "Subscribe" and "Contact Us" canvas, make sure the text aligns with your branding and messaging. Views allow you to tailor content for specific situations, so take advantage of this feature if necessary.
  • Always test your subscription form and links to ensure they work correctly before your launch.
  • Completion: Once you've made these customizations, feel free to delete any of the canvas that say 'DELETE' if you don't want to use any other canvas for your website, we suggest you HIDE these just in case you would like to add them back later.
*once you are finished with the below you can delete this canvas or hide to keep for future reference, don't worry it wont show on your front website.
action needed!

Insert info about what your audience will receive or embed your third-party email opt-in inline form. We recommend using Flodesk. Collect emails automatically to grow your email list, follow this template's branding and layout and get 50% off your first year from us! 

Thank you for subscribing to the newsletter!

Stay in the loop

Insert and link a social media post

Insert and link a social media post

Insert and link a social media post

Insert and link a social media post

learn more about us

Please fill out the form below or send a note directly to bleucaviar@gmail.com

Send a note directly to bleucaviar@gmail.com if you still need to contact us

let's be social